Loan Capital Endring Dato
Axon Enterprise USD 677.11M 798K 2023-12
Fluence Corporation USD 2.72M 30.22M 2023-06
Inrom Construction Industries ILS 203.33M 2.07M 2023-09
Plasson Industries ILS 276.09M 28.99M 2023-09
Raubex ZAR 887.79M 94.14B 2022-06
Reliance Worldwide Corporation USD 541.56M 117.05M 2023-06
Shapir Engineering and Industry ILS 6.9B 237M 2023-12
Shikun & Binui ILS 9.35B 412M 2023-09

Shapir Engineering and Industry Lånekapital - Gjeldende verdier, historiske data, prognoser, statistikk, diagrammer og økonomiske kalender - May 2024.